INTENSE abdominal sonography VET ÖGUM 121.-22. june 2025 | Ultraschall Akademie

INTENSE abdominal sonography VET ÖGUM 1
21.-22. june 2025

Ursprünglicher Preis war: 1.308,00 €Aktueller Preis ist: 1.188,00 €.

Ultraschallgrundkurs: Sonographische Basisdiagnostik Abdomen

Kursdauer: 2 Tage, 09:00-18:00 Uhr
Fortbildungspunkte TÄK:  14
Vortragende: Florian Lein, ÖGUM-Kursleiter
Kursort: THV-Intern.Training Center for Human-and Veterinary Medicine, Bergmillergasse 5, 1140 Wien


Freie Plätze: 16 verfügbar

Artikelnummer: Si01v-2-1-1-1 Kategorien: , Schlagwörter: , ,

INTENSE Abdominal Sonography VET ÖGUM 1

Abdominal sonography can be helpful and challenging at the same time in the dayly practice of veterinarians. Abdominal Ultrasound can easyly used for example in patients with:
– Urogenital disorders
– Fever of unknown origin
– Vomiting and other gastointestinal poblems
– known neoplastic illness for staging
– higher age as prevention

In this course you will lern about:

  • Ultrasound Basics and artifacts
  • Standardised ultrasound examination according to ÖGUM-guidelines
  • Sonographig Imaging and Disorders of:
    • Liver
    • Gallbladder
    • Spleen
    • Kidneys
    • Adrenals
    • Urinary Bladder
    • Genitalia – male and female
    • Gastrointestinal Tract
    • Pancreas
    • Lymphnodes
  • Peritoneal and retroperitoneal free fluid

Our priority is practical learning. Following each theory unit, we meet up for a Hands-on session. This allows you to immediately apply what you just learned and combine theoretical and practical knowledge in a way that is made to last.

„Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, let me do it and I will understand.“ – Confuzius

During our Hands-on sessions small groups of 4 people rotate from station to station and practice on animals. Each station is looked after by a different ÖGUM tutor or the instructor. This way we can guarantee training with intensive supervision and maximum hands-on time. Ask as many questions as you want and let the experts show you tips and tricks that you can implement directly on your patients. Modern ultrasonic devices from various manufacturers and different performance categories are used in this course. In addition to your emergency ultrasound training, we present you with the opportunity to test all these ultrasonic devices and find out which suits you and your medical practice best.

Our INTENSE sonography courses are education courses for veterinarians and can be accomplished to receive an ÖGUM-certification.

In order to successfully complete this course and receive your Abdominal Sonography 1 ÖGUM-Certificate, a case series of 10 examinations need to be send to the instructor of the course. After a positive review and feedback you will receive your Abdominal Sonography 1 ÖGUM-Certificate. Congratulations! You will receive further detailed information in the course!

Abdominal Sonography offers a lot of possibilities to aid your Patients!
Healthy animals, happy clients, succsessful practice.


Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us via e-Mail or phone !


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